Events & Exhibitions

Where: Rookesbury Park, Wickham, Hampshire. PO17 6HT
When: Friday 25th - Sunday 28th August 2017
Vic will be attending the Southern Nature Art exhibition this year, and will be in the art market for all 3-days. He will also be at the Preview evening on Thursday.
The Southern Nature Art Exhibition is a non-profit making event. Any profit from the exhibition will have a percentage donated to a nature charity, which is chosen each year and the rest will be invested in next years exhibition. The chosen charity for 2017 is the UK Wolf Conservation Trust, a charity close to Vic's heart, and also where he runs art workshops.
This is not a Society nor is there a membership, the exhibition is run as an open exhibition, so please spread the word to other artists!
The exhibition is themed on Nature, and will include paintings, drawings and sculptures, e.g landscapes, wildlife, seascapes, wildflowers etc.
Entry is free to visitors. Please click here for further details.